Let's be honest, I had another baby because I wanted another nursery to have fun decorating!
Last year, my amazing husband busted his butt to paint the extra bedroom we had so that I could have a grand opening of my first "studio" mini-Easter/Spring session. Unbeknownst to him, he had about 2 weeks prior to the sessions to get the mudded and painted. He was THRILLED. On my end, this meant I had only 2 days to settle on a color as he was prepping the walls.
As a photographer, a neutral color meant that I had to go with either a stark white or grey. Choosing grey, I scoured Pinterest for the best "grey" wall colors and settled for what some called the perfect "grey". I chose "Grey Owl" by Benjamin Moore.
When he got to the point of actually getting the color to the walls, I was slightly disappointed. "Grey Owl" by Benjamin Moore in that room, with that specific lighting condition turned out to be more of a light blue. Update: This actually turned out to be a blessing in disguise because we had a baby boy!! Here's my review of grey owl benjamin moore so you can check out how it looks in a real home!
Lesson Learned: Patience is truly a virtue. You should those paint color samples - lighting in the rooms make a big difference on how the colors appear.
Even after that bad decision on my part, I also mentioned that I had a huge desire to have my rolled backdrops mounted to the wall (which meant he had to drill lag bolts into the drywall and studs). I also coerced him to put up backdrop mounts.
Fast forward to today, I now have Ryan re-doing the room for the baby's nursery! He is doubly thrilled about having to patch those lag bolt holes. I couldn't convince him to re-do the color, but that's okay! It turned out to be a blessing in disguise because we are having a BOY. Wee!!!!
A few weeks ago, I purchased the baby's new crib seen here. I promise we won't leave the paper backdrop rolls above the crib 🙂 And the baby boy won't have a chandelier in the room per Ryan (I would have love to have kept it up there).

As Ryan is hard at work fixing holes and mudding, I've been tasked with figuring out how to decorate. Exciting times in the Nickerson household!
Specifically for the curtains, unlike the walls, I purchased $20 worth of fabric swatches so that I could make sure that the fabric would go well with the room. Since they've arrived, the swatches have been sitting there for at least three weeks. I've finally made my decision, and it turns out that Ryan picked the same one. It's the darker grey color (second from the top). What do you think?

I'm so excited and can't wait until the curtains come! Ryan is thrilled again at the thought of drilling more holes the walls for the hardware 🙂
As for the rest of the room, I've decided not to go "matchy matchy" with the furniture like the girls' rooms. I've been on this kick on taking time to find the right pieces. Here are some of my ideas so far. Follow me on this Pinterest board for his room and boy nursery inspiration!

Links to all the product on the mood board can be found here:
- Million Dollar Baby Crib
- Rugs USA Homespun Moroccan Trellis Rug
- Birch Lane Clarkedale Chair
- Capiz Lighting
- Blinds.com Wood Hardware
- Fabric.com Stone Linen Dove Grey Fabric
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