One thing I have noticed about having a home with a first floor that comprises mostly of hardwoods is that I often find that the floors get super dusty. I also am thankful that I have hardwoods because I have a three and four year old who have a habit of spilling drinks and food everywhere. With an active 10 month old, it's kind of gross just thinking about him crawling around on our floors! Not only that, I have seasonal allergies, so when dust gets collected in the corners of our living room it could extend the season for longer than it should. Answer: Robot Mop.

To take it one step further, what makes me sad is that every night after dinner, Ryan and I are constantly cleaning and scrubbing the floors after our 3 and 4 year kids finish their meals. Time is definitely not on our side during the week day, especially as working parents. I decided to get a iRobot Bravaa 380t to help with the mop portion of the chores. It's a floor duster and sweeper in one!

Yes it is a robot! It has two cleaning modes: dry and wet.
I know what you are thinking. Why would you want to use a robot that just dusts and lightly mops?
If you saw that dust and grossness that collects on a rag, you too will want to start mopping and dusting your floors EVERY DAY. When you have a baby that's crawling on the floor, not only should you be asking your guests to take off their shoes at the door, but you should be using this floor mop on the daily!

I run the Braava right before I leave work. Let me just tell you, it is SO nice to have a clean floor coming home!
In This Post
iRobot Braava 380T Functions & Buttons
There are three buttons on the Braava. Power on/off, dry mode and wet mode.
1. Power on/off. You hold down for two seconds to turn off or to turn on. It sings a fun little start and stop song.
2. iRobot Braava 380t Dry Mode. The dry mode runs in a straight pattern over the cleaning area along the walls to gather up the debris. It is amazing how close it gets to the wall.
3. iRobot Braava 380t Wet Mode. Using the reservoir pad base that comes with it, the wet mode in the Braava starts a zigzag, back-and-forth mode. It's a soft scrub using an antimicrobial fabric to keep it wet during the entire cycle.
iRobot Braava 380t versus Ledges/Staircases
It knows when there are ledges or staircases. There is a navigation cube (also known as a beacon) that reflects and bounces a signal off of your ceiling. This allows it to build a map of the room as it cleans.

If the Braava happens to go under a sofa or table, it can navigate in a limited capacity without signal. For me, it hasn't been a problem with my slipcover sofas when it ventures underneath it.
As you can see in the image below, I first used the Braava around Ryan, he was a little skeptical (being an engineer). I could also tell he was fascinated by it.

Once he saw little Conrad crawling around with the Braava, he understood the reason we had it. It made it a little closer to home - keeping his family safe. The cave man in him!

As it started doing its job, the kids got engaged. And named the Braava Rosbot. They fight over who turns on Rosbot in the morning!

The hubs was impressed when Rosbot navigated away from the staircase and ledges around our house.

Conrad appreciated Rosbot keeping the house clean for him to crawl around.

Morning Routine with the Braava
Every morning, Rosbot starts her job. Every night after work, I can find her in the same spot I originally left her. And I'm welcomed back home with dust free floors! Working mom win!
I know what you are thinking. Why would you spend $300 on a mop and duster?
- It will reduce the allergens in your house for the welfare of your family.
- It will also save you time.
- It is an awesome Mother's Day gift.

Seriously. This is the bee's knees.

What do you do in your life to make cleaning time easier? Pin the image below to your wish list!
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