70% of mothers with kids under 18 work, 75% full-time. 40% of such households have moms as primary earners; 67% of them are single. In 63% of married couples, both parents work. 43% of women quit jobs after childbirth.
17% of US executives are women. Working mothers face a 4% income decrease per child. Only 6% of employers with 50+ staff offer full maternity pay, 39% offer partial pay, and 42% offer no compensation.
Women with children, even primary earners, are 5.5 times more likely than men to do most household chores. On average, working moms spend 98 hours per week when including family duties.
41% view the rise of working mothers negatively, 22% positively. 75% reject women reverting to traditional roles. 72% believe too many kids are in daycare.